A Trailblazer in Flexography and FTA Hall of Famer 2023

In the vibrant tapestry of the flexography industry, some names resonate more profoundly, casting a lasting impact that transcends generations. Among these luminaries, Katherine Harper of Harper Corp stands as an emblem of innovation, dedication, and commitment.

Bettylyn Krafft and Katherine Harper - two women who shared the vision and missin of the Phoenix Challenge Foundation

The recent FTA Fall Conference witnessed a momentous occasion, as Katherine was inducted into the FTA Hall of Fame, solidifying her legacy alongside her husband Ron, making them the only spouses to be honored for their lifelong devotion to a thriving flexo industry and even more devotion to the ongoing education of our youth.

Flexography owes much of its evolution to the groundbreaking contributions of the Harper family. Their journey is one of resilience, foresight, and an unyielding passion for excellence. Katherine’s induction into the FTA Hall of Fame serves not just as an acknowledgment of her personal achievements but also as a tribute to the entire Harper family's enduring legacy.

Katherine’s story is one of tenacity and vision. She, alongside her husband Ron, propelled Harper Corp to the pinnacle of the flexography industry. Their joint efforts were instrumental in shaping the trajectory of the field, and Katherine’s distinct mark on the industry is undeniable. Her innovative spirit and commitment to pushing boundaries have not only elevated her company but have also inspired countless others in the field.

Katherine’s journey in the industry mirrors the evolution of flexography itself. Her ability to adapt to changing technologies and her forward-thinking approach have been instrumental in Harper Corp's success. Under her guidance, the company has pioneered numerous advancements, pushing the boundaries of what flexographic printing can achieve. Her dedication to quality, coupled with an unrelenting pursuit of excellence, has set new benchmarks for the industry.

What makes Katherine’s achievement even more remarkable is her role as a trailblazer for women in the traditionally male-dominated field. Her success story serves as an inspiration for aspiring women professionals, proving that with determination and expertise, gender is no barrier to reaching the pinnacle of one’s career.  With that trailblazing fortitude, Katherine broke barriers in supporting education and building futures for thousands and thousands of youth and students inside and outside of flexography.

The Phoenix Challenge Foundation, the premier non-profit organization dedicated to promoting flexographic printing education and training, owes a debt of gratitude to the Harpers as well. Founded by industry professionals, the foundation aims to ignite a passion for flexo among students, fostering the next generation of skilled flexographers. Katherine Harper is a prominent figure within the organization, known for her tireless dedication to advancing flexographic education. An early and fervent supporter, she played a pivotal role in supporting events, workshops, and competitions that offer students hands-on experience in flexo printing. Through her leadership, the foundation has empowered countless students to develop technical skills, creativity, and an understanding of flexography's importance in the packaging industry, ensuring a vibrant future for this specialized field.

Katherine’s induction into the FTA Hall of Fame not only celebrates her individual accomplishments but also underscores the importance of family, collaboration, and innovation in the world of flexography. Her legacy will continue to inspire future generations of flexographic professionals, reminding them of the heights that can be reached through passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

In honoring Katherine Harper, the Phoenix Challenge Foundation not only acknowledges a remarkable individual but also pays tribute to the enduring spirit of innovation and progress that defines the flexography industry. As her name graces the illustrious list of FTA Hall of Famers, it serves as a beacon, guiding the industry toward a future shaped by creativity, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.